Eric J. Long, Mercer County Lawyer
When It Comes To Your Family and Property, It Pays
To Know
Practice Areas:
Real Estate
Moving in, moving up or just moving on? We can help with every step of your real estate transaction, from contract to post-closing.
Business Law
Putting it all on the line every day is hard. We are here to make it easier for you to start up, keep going, and rise to every challenge.
Trusts & Estates
Talking about life’s big transitions can be scary. Not talking about them is scarier. Call us, learn the options, make guided choices.
You don’t have to know everything or go it alone
We live in a do-it-yourself world where we are encouraged to believe that information about almost anything is at our fingertips. Even about technical things like typing up a deed, incorporating a business or putting together a will. But at the same time, it feels like we have so many commitments that there’s no time available to learn and understand the information. It’s tempting to try to go it alone to save time, money and hassle. You don’t need to take on that pressure and anxiety. Call the Law Office of Eric J. Long at 309-582-0100 for help.